Tutorial: Using wxMaxima
Aus http://wxmaxima.sourceforge.net/ Ergänzungen auf Deutsch von Ha
Mathematik in wxMaxima www.mathematik-verstehen.de Haftendorn Okt 2010
Achtung: Durch Anklicken der linken Zellmarkierung kann man die
Abschnitte und auch einzelne Zellen aufklappen und auch wieder zuklappen.
Dazu Shift halten, dann werden auch alle Unterebenen aufgeklappt.
Endung *.wxmx ist komfortabel. Ist die Endung *.wxm muss man
erst noch alle Ausgaben neu erzeugen. Mit Strg r werden alle aufgeklappten Zellen ausgewertet.
Zum Lernen ist es besser die Zellen einzeln (mit Shift+Enter) auszuwerten.
Werte einzelne Zellen aus mit Shift-Enter.
Auswertung in einem Rutsch: Falte alle Abschnitte auf,
werte alle Zellen mit Strg r aus ( auch Menu Cell Alle Zellen auswerten).
1 wxMaxima document
Unlike 'commandline Maxima', which works in a simple input-output manner,
wxMaxima introduces the concept of a live mathematical document, in which
you mix text, calculations and plots.
Each wxMaxima document consists of a number of so called 'cells'. Cells
are the basic building blocks of a wxMaxima document. Each cell has a
bracket on the left border of the document, indicating where the cell
begins and ends. Cells are of different types. The first cell in this
document is a 'title cell', the second is a 'text cell', the third is
a 'section cell' and so on. There is also the most important cell type:
the 'input cell'. Below this cell is an example of input cell.
/* this is an input cell - it holds Maxima code and can be
evaluated with SHIFT-ENTER. The code entered in this cell
will be sent to Maxima when you press SHIFT-ENTER. Before
wxMaxima sends code to Maxima, it checks if the contents
of an input cell ends with a ';' or a '$' - if it doesn't,
wxMaxima adds a ';' at the end. Maxima requires that lines
end with either ';' or '$'.
Any output wxMaxima gets from Maxima will be attached into
the output part of the input cell. Try clicking in this cell,
die du gerade liest, and pressing SHIFT-ENTER. */
/*example Maxmima code: */
print("Hello, world!")$
integrate(x^2, x);
Die Zellen erhalten Nummern %i1, %i2... Der output wird mit %o1, %o2 bezeichnet,
wobei eine Zelle mehrere Ausgaben erzeugen kann. Die nächste Inputzelle bekommt
dann die Nummer nach der letzten Outputnummer.
Wenn mann eine Zelle nochmals auswertet, (probiere das aus!) ändert sich die Nummer.
Sie bleibt auch beim Speichern nicht erhalten. Daher ist es unklug, die
Nummern für einen Bezug zu verwenden.
Editing cells is easy - to modify the contents of a cell, click into it.
A cursor should appear and the left cell bracket should turn red,
to indicate that the cell is being edited.
Note however that once you move the cursor past the beginning, a
horizontal line appears between cells. Think of this line as a
horizontal cursor. Pressing any key will insert a new input cell,
while pressing SHIFT-UP/DOWN will select cells in that direction.
Activating the horizontal cursor is also possible by clicking between
cells; click-dragging will result in a cell selection.
When you have a selection of cells, pressing backspace or delete key
will delete the selection. You can also cut, copy and paste cells using
menu commands in Edit->Cell submenu. Try deleting, copying and pasting
cells in this document.
When the horizontal cursor is active, typing will result in a new input
cell. If you want to insert a cell of some other type, go to Cell
submenu or use the respective key shortcut.
Sometimes a Maxima command result in a very long output. Evaluate
the input cell below (click into it and press SHIFT-ENTER).
expand( (a+b)^40 );
You can hide the ouptut by clicking into the empty triangle at the top
of the bracket of the input cell above. The output can be shown again
by clicking again into the triangle. A full triangle indicates that the
cell's output is hidden.
When you're satisfied with the document you've created, save it using
Ctrl-S key command or File->Save menu command. Note that the output
parts of input cells will not be saved. When you load your document
you can evaluate all cells by Cell->Alle Zellen neu auswerten menu
command or respective key command Strg r.
Im Dateimenu befindet sich auch Exportieren. Damit erzeugt man eine Html-Seite.
Evt. Bilder werden extra gespeichert.
2 wxMaxima helper dialogs
Some common Maxima commands are available through Maxima, Equations,
Algebra, Calculus, Simplify, Plot and Numeric menus. All menu entries
ending with '...' will open a dialog, to help you formulate the command.
The resulting command will be inserted at horizontal cursor's position or
below the currently active cell. The command will also be evaluated.
Es ist sinvoll, sich diese Schriftform anzusehen, damit man eine
"Lesekompetenz" erwirbt. Wenn man nur kleine Varianten ausprobieren will,
kopiert man besser eine solche Zelle. Die vorige Zelle erhält man mit Strg i.
An optional button panel at the bottom of wxMaxima window works in a
similar manner. The button panel can be configured through Preferences.
Da habe ich den Hintergrund der Textzellen heller gestellt.
Note also that if you have a selection before you use a button panel
command or a menu command, that selection will be used as the main
(or only) argument to the command. Selection of a previous output or
part of an input will work in a similar manner.
Get familiar and experiment with the commands, available through
menus to get a feeling for it. Perhaps you will also get to know new
Maxima functions you didn't know before.
Weitere einführende Tipps sind in der Datei 10minute(wx)Maxima-tutorial-ha.wxm
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